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Turn your Idea into a Thriving Business!

Are you ready to structure your venture so you can 


  • Stand out in your industry 

  • Create a logical profit plan

  • Compete strategically 

  • Send the message that matters to your target community?

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Step-by-step process

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Easy to follow lessons

Building Block Cards

Templates ... and more!


A Workshop to help you Build, Launch, and Grow your Business

Are you an entrepreneur who has left (or is looking to leave) your long career and want to start a business of your own -

one that you can take into your future?



But you've wondered:
How are you actually going to make it all work out? 

Entrepreneurship can be thrilling

and nerve-wracking

at the same time.

It can be mind-numbing and frustrating, if you aren't sure of some of the steps.




How do you figure out the best way get started

and bring on growth?

Wouldn't a roadmap that lays out the process be nice?


Aren't you interested in getting your business up and running with clarity, vision

and the ability to execute consistently on the right strategies?

What if you just had the right guidance on how to start this process - guidance that is both practical and supportive - so you know you could build a business that could thrive?

The Blueprint Project is your link to this learning - to save you time, money and help shave off excessive trial and error.

TBP is a 5 module, phase-by-phase, online learning workshop for second career new entrepreneurs

who want to build a wildly successful business of their own.



PLUS, it comes with mentorship, guidance, resources

and some old-fashioned “I got you” support.

In the corporate world, you had teams to help you research, plan, strategize and execute: the path was fairly clear and the load was easier to bear. 


But, now you are solo.


And the path isn't as well lit for you.

And the load feels a little more cumbersome.... 


An exclusive online training - THAT ISN'T BORING -

for entrepreneurs who want to:

Get the Clarity to Stand Out

You will work out how to clearly identify how you fit in to your target audience's life, and how to claim your competitive advantage.

Launch with Confidence

You will design your product, process, pathway and profit plan, set your strategy and craft your perfect brand message to land clients.

Build and Grow Your Business

You will lay out thoughtful growth projections and financial forecasts, within a set timeline, to exhibit how your business can thrive.

Everything is Online.

No Books. No Tests. No Judgement.

Learn at Your Own Pace
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You have lifetime access to the workshop materials, so you can work through them on your own schedule.


All materials (worksheets, story cards, vision boards, resources, tools, videos, transcripts) are online and mobile.


So, you are free to plan out your structure whenever you are able... whether you are at home, on the road or on a beach.

You will dig, design and frame your foundation: from market research,  competitive profiling, audience development, strategic planning, channel development, branding, marketing strategy to financial forecasting... and more. 


There are five core modules of curriculum, ready to go from day one. Each module contains 4-6 individual video lessons plus corresponding Worksheets (vision boards, story cards, work sheets and handouts) to help you integrate and apply what you learn to your business.


The structure helps you master the skills and put them into practice. Some modules may take a week or two. Some longer. Some shorter. It depends on how much info you start with. 


And that's ok: building a business is an ongoing event.


A Hands-On Workshop.

"It is intensive and challenging. So good."

"The best rewards come after conquering the beast."

Take the time to make the right decisions.


Acquiring skills for building a business requires focus and tenacity. We recommend between 4-6 hours per week to watch the course content,  complete your worksheets and — if needed — engage with our team.   



Stay focused and diligent.


In order to learn key elements for a business to succeed and thrive, you must apply consistent action and a willingness to play the long game. Make sure you use the entire library of training materials and revisit and review them as often as you need. 



Ask questions and get involved.


Reach out to the mentor experts, your fellow founders or listen to our Podcast "The Encore Entrepreneur" for additional support help and guidance. We have your back.






Ask questions, get feedback from fellow founders bringing expertise from research, strategy,  finance, marketing and more. 



In our private, student-only community you can share ideas, get feedback and connect with other students and mentor coaches.



If you have technical issues or are simply having a challenge you need help with, write us and we’ll take care of you.

Lesson Comments


Under each training video, you’re invited to comment and get responses from our mentor coaches, TBP fellow students, and partner experts.



You’ll have access to many other students’ questions, along with answers from our mentor coaches and partner experts, so you’ll always have info at your fingertips.

Office Hours


"Office Hours" calls provide guidance and tackle your questions. Calls will be recorded and transcribed so you can listen and learn at your convenience.

Who is The Blueprint Project for?

Whether you are starting your business as a second career or just a side-project,

TBP will help you master the BUILDING BLOCKS that are key to establishing a smart foundation:

Industry Research

Business Validation

Defining Purpose

Market Segmentation

Competitive Audits

Business Identity

Market Positioning

Audience Segmentation

Competitive Advantage

Strategic Gameplan

Audience Profiling

Brand Identity

Problem/ Solution Analysis

Value Proposition

Consumer Conversion Planning

You Are Not Alone.

You'll Always Have...


If you’re overwhelmed and feel like you’re in over your head with your small business — we can help.


Once you sign up, you’ll have support from like-minded founders and peers in an encouraging environment.


Ask questions and get feedback from our expert mentor coaches covering all module lessons.

Building Your Business - 5 Pillars Strong

Breaking down the narrative into easy to grasp building blocks, you will establish the powerful back story of your business idea, design a profitable business model, have a smart and winning game plan, create a customer journey conversion plan and have all of your logistics in place in order to launch with confidence. 


When complete, you'll have a rock solid foundation for a unique and profitable business that genuinely makes a difference.


Pillar 1

Stand Out with Authority

Concept Validation
Craft your back story.  Clarify what business you are in, prove there is a market,  understand customer focus, position an authentic and competitive value proposition.  

Know exactly what the opportunity is, who is seeking it and where you can find them.

Identify your ideal customers: confirm the niche market you can own and what will make them most receptive to your solution.

Know what you are up against and what they have to offer and establish a competitive advantage that no other can claim. 

Clarify how your offer will be a benefit to your top consumer and how you will stand out as a competitive brand.

Pillar 2

Build a Smart Structure Early

Development & Profit Model
Lay out production flow and development processes, the pathways you will take to customers and how these fit into the logic of profitability, with attention to key risks.

Break down the key activities, resources, and suppliers necessary to develop your base level offer for sale.

Align your system to execute your vision during the day-to-day: indicating productivity, project management and hiring needs.

Leverage your best options on how you will initially connect with consumers and how you will distribute the offer to them.

Outline an approach to revenue and profit plan thinking, based on structure and opportunities within your capabilities.

Pillar 3

Zig when They Zag

Strategic Game Plan
Craft a unique strategy to connect with your target and set yourself apart from the competition; based on what you can bring to - and what is happening in - the market.

Clarify your business purpose by focusing on your North Star Vision, complemented by your promise of your Mission.

Establish specific short term goals that will move you closer to accomplishing your mission. 

Leverage the key strategic approach you can realistically take in order to optimize your position in the market vs competition.

Create Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound (SMART) Objectives that help you reach each Goal set.

Talk and Be Heard

Pillar 4

Customer Journey
With so much noise out there, how do you get anyone's attention, articulate your brand story that resonates and become something your audience can't wait to buy?

Get into the minds of your target niche, know exactly what they really want in order to create an outstanding relationship. 

Create an authentic brand and set a message that aligns your business best: what you say is as important as what you sell.

Channels: the right ways—and wrong ways—to use online, SEO, direct, offline, influencers, email and paid & unpaid media.

Create an inviting sales process that your customer is happy to follow: build an authentic relationship and get repeat buyers.

Pillar 5

Create a Long Runway

Financials & Logistics
Master the details. Get your money straight. Be sure you are planning out a successful timeline. Dot your i's and cross your t's. You will thank yourself later.

Know your numbers. Apply basic financial forecasting to them to establish how much money, and how much runway, you need.

Consider how you will fund your business for the first few years. Look at both traditional and non-traditional avenues. 

Get your paperwork done. Legal, Structure, IP, Agreements, Contracts... oh my. If it's not signed, it's not yours.

How can you know what’s working if you’re not tracking it? Know which metrics matter, how to use them and map it out.

What You'll Receive
20 Lessons
40+ Videos
50+ Worksheets
Vision Board Templates, Story Card Templates
Cheat Sheets, Exercises, Examples
Tools and Resources Handouts
Online Support, Weekly Q&A Sessions, Connections
Vetted Recommendations for Start-up Support Services


You Get Bonuses

The ART of Networking

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”

Thinking Inside the Box Tutorial

Your website must build trust, grow your audience and convert browsers into buyers and raving fans.

Storyselling for the Non-Salesperson

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”

Big A$$ Toolbox


Time-saving, money-saving box of tool suggestions at your fingertips. We did the digging, you do the doing.

Master Class: PR, Marketing, Branding 

Deep dive into content, personas, social proof, outreach & how they are important selling tools .  

Elevator Pitch, Biz Plan Templates

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”

... and more!


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Immediate Access to Brand Course Bonus


  • 5 Modules

  • 20 Lessons

  • 40+ Videos

  • 50+ Worksheets

  • Cheat Sheets, Exercises, Examples

  • Vision Board, Story Card Templates

  • Tools and Resources

  • Online Support, Weekly Q&As

  • Access to Vetted Resources

  • Two (2) One-Hour, One-on-One Consultation Calls with Coaches


One Time Payment


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Immediate Access to Brand Course Bonus


  • 5 Modules

  • 20 Lessons

  • 40+ Videos

  • 50+ Worksheets

  • Cheat Sheets, Exercises, Examples

  • Vision Board, Story Card Templates

  • Tools and Resources

  • Online Support, Weekly Q&As

  • Access to Vetted Resources




One Time Payment


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Access to Brand Course Bonus upon Completion of Workshop

  • 5 Modules

  • 20 Lessons

  • 40+ Videos

  • 50+ Worksheets

  • Cheat Sheets, Exercises, Examples

  • Vision Board, Story Card Templates

  • Tools and Resources

  • Online Support, Weekly Q&As

  • Access to Vetted Resources


Starting w/ Brand 101​


4 Installments

$222/ ea

  • Is The Blueprint Project Workshop right for me?
    If you want a successful business, then yes, it's for you. But remember, businesses don't build themselves. You must be willing to go the entire workshop and put time and effort into implementing your new knowledge; and then you'll have the tools you need to create a thriving future. Simply put, you have to put in the work. We're completely invested in making sure you have the best experience possible, so please email us with any questions and we will always give you an honest answer so you can make the best decision for you. We're happy to answer any questions.
  • How long will it take me to complete the whole workshop?
    The Wellness Business Bootcamp is an 8-module course designed to be completed in 6 weeks. The course is action-oriented, and you'll be building your website, email list, blog, and online program as you take the course. And--side note--your business is never "done," which is a lesson that all entrepreneurs eventually learn. You'll always be testing, tweaking, and modifying what you create, but plan on about 2-5 hours per week over 6 weeks to complete the course and be up and running.
  • What kind of results will I get with The Blueprint Project?
    If you complete all of the modules, worksheets, and training inside the wellness business bootcamp, you'll have the education and tools you need to create a working online wellness business. Since I don't have a crystal ball and time machines haven't been invented yet, I can't guarantee exact results. But I do guarantee that you will learn the five pillar roadmap in easily digestible steps.
  • Do you have a refund policy?
    We’re confident that if you do the work, you’ll get enormous benefit fromthis experience. And we’re happy to back that up with our risk-free guarantee. We feel confident that we've laid out everything you get in the description above. If you register with the intent to learn, but don't show up, the program doesn't work in your favor.
  • How do I access the materials?
    When you purchase, you'll use your email address to create your own login to my easy-to-use online learning platform. After that, you can login to 24/7 from anywhere in the world to access your content. My web-based online learning platform works beautifully on mobile, tablets, and computer browsers. You never lose access to The Wellness Business Bootcamp and can return to any video or download at any time if you need a refresher.


There are no ‘quick wins' -

because building something solid takes effort.  


With The Blueprint Project you will get the structure and framework

you need to take control of your planning and grow with confidence.



Wanna chat?

112 East 49th Street, New York, NY

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